Galaxy Saga Wiki
Number Chapter Energy/XP Credits Artifact Boss
1 Enlistment - - n/a Rusty Halberd
2 Forward, Charge! 1 +10~12 ID Ring Theodore the Cleaner
3 Officer In Training 2 +20~24 ID Ring Theodore the Cleaner
4 Don't Habitualize. Synergize 3 +30~36 ID Ring Theodore the Cleaner
5 Mission Accomplished 4 +40~48 ID Ring (Crusher) Theodore the Cleaner
6 Shake Off the Energy 5 +50-60 Transporter Prisoner #82
7 Ghostly Shadows Prowl 6 +60~72 Transporter Prisoner #82
8 Silent Darkness Looms 7 +70~84 Transporter Prisoner #82
9 Echoing March of Triumph 8 +80~96 Transporter (Jailbreak) Prisoner #82
10 The Red Planet 9 +90~108 Newt Gerard the Pirate
11 The Swirling Dustbowl 10 +100~120 Newt Gerard the Pirate
12 Red Ravine 11 +110~132 Newt Gerard the Pirate
13 To the Warp Device! 12 +120~156 Newt (Captain) Gerard the Pirate
14 Clouds of Sunfire Crimson 10 +100~168 Holocube Mighty Kyupacros
15 Guerilla Warfare 11 +110~180 Holocube Mighty Kyupacros
16 Robot Running Rampant 12 +120~192 Holocube Mighty Kyupacros
17 Shining Destructive Force 13 +130~204 Holocube (Rampage) Mighty Kyupacros
18 Welcome to Verdanus 10 +100~216 Glasses Magna Gahp
19 Jungle March 11 +110~228 Glasses Magna Gahp
20 2 Meter Visibility 12 +120~240 Glasses Magna Gahp
21 Jungle Hunter 13 +130~252 Glasses (Defector) Magna Gahp
22 Alien Abduction 10 +140~216 Starcorder

Gleaming Dimachaerus

23 Pulse-Pounding Pursuer 11 +150~228 Starcorder Gleaming Dimachaerus
24 The Killer Who Knows 12 +160~240 Starcorder Gleaming Dimachaerus
25 Gladiator of Light 13 +170~252 Starcorder (Master) Gleaming Dimachaerus
26 The Prowling Beast 12 +160~240 Data Buds Sickle Mutant
27 A Taste of War 13 +170~260 Data Buds Sickle Mutant
28 Chessmaster 14 +180~280 Data Buds (Monstrosity) Sickle Mutant
29 Lessons in Pain & Hope 15 +190~300 Data Buds (Monstrosity) Sickle Mutant